
How to share your photos from Facebook

Facebook screens.jpg

Facebook is a free online social media and social networking service.

Here's how to use Facebook to share your photos and captions with the Shortcake Albums design team.

step 1

Log in to your Facebook account on your smartphone or computer

step 2

Navigate to this account for “Sarah Short”.

Step 3

Click Add Friend to connect your account.

step 4

Our design team will use Sarah Short’s account to view your Facebook photos.

Repeat the steps above as many times as you need to, in order to share all your Facebook accounts with your album designer. 

When you're done, please send us an email at hello@shortcakealbums.com to let us know that you have finished connecting your Facebook accounts. That way we will know to look for your account(s), and we can let you know if there were any problems.