How to share your photos from iCloud
Ok! From a Mac Desktop/Laptop, there’s really only one way to share photos using the Photos app, and that’s by using an iCloud Shared Album. Here’s how to use one:
If you already have an existing iCloud shared album:
In the Photos app, open the album you want to share.
Click the Collaborate icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen. (Looks like a person’s head in a circle).
Add photos@shortcakealbums.com to the subscriber list.
If you need to create a new icloud shared album:
In the Photos app, select a few photos you want to share.
Click the Share icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen. (Looks like a box with an arrow pointing up.)
Click iCloud Photo Sharing.
Click + New Shared Album.
Type a name for the shared album, then type photos@shortcakealbums.com in the “Invite People” box.
Click Create.
Go back and continue adding photos to your new iCloud shared album until all the photos you want to share have been added. When you’re done, send us an email at hello@shortcakealbums.com to let us know that all photos have been added. In your email, please also tell us the total number of photos in the shared album, so that we can make sure we have received them all.